Based in the picturesque town of Monmouth, successful designers Peter and Rosemary Williams draw inspiration for their work from the beautiful surroundings, natural and human forms.
Rosemarys stunning gold and silver jewellery has sold worldwide and has been featured on television and in national and international magazines. Peters incredible skill in using wood, metal and plastic has enabled him to make some very prestigious trophies and table centre pieces. They often work together on projects.
In addition to their established designs (e.g., Rosemarys figure jewellery) they are frequently commissioned to make sculptures (including portraits), one-off pieces and small production runs.
Useful Information
Owner/Manager: Rosemary Williams
News & Special Offers
Our work can now be seen to buy at the following galleries:
Craft Renaissance Gallery & Shop, Kemeys Commander, Usk - website link
Art @ Oriel Jones Gallery, Monmouth - website link
The Bell at Skenfrith
website link
Art in Penallt
website link
September 30th, October 1st and 2nd 2011
Opening Times
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