Shire Hall, Monmouth

Step Back in Time

Monmouth Shire Hall has a rich and deep history, and is intrinsically linked into the heritage of Monmouthshire and even wider Britain. Explore the 19th century Court Room, restored to look as it did when the Chartists were on Trial. Visit the cells to see how prisoners were held and learn about justice and history in 19th Century Britain. Or simply walk around this grand old building, restored to pristine condition and currently exhibiting a long wall hanging of Henry V that took almost 4,500 hours to make!

In 1840 the trial of the South Wales Chartists, leaders of the last large-scale armed rebellion against authority in mainland Britain, was held in our courtroom.

Today it has been totally restored, and you can learn about the history of these men and their cause, as well as more about justice in these rough times. Evidence is set out as it would of been in 1840 leaving you to be the judge, and decide the guilt of the Chartists.

Guided tours are held every Wednesday from 2pm.

For Shire Hall's invitation to Piers Bramhall, check out the Youtube clip - website link

Useful Information

Shire Hall, Monmouth
Agincourt Square Monmouth Monmouthshire NP25 3DY Wales
phone: 01600 775259 fax:

News & Special Offers

Entrance Charge

Opening Times

Every day, 10.00am - 4.00pm

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